Carolyn Moore

Green Party Councillor for Kimmage Rathmines

Tag: Active travel

  • Active Travel: My Dublin Inquirer Voter Guide Response

    Active Travel: My Dublin Inquirer Voter Guide Response

    Q: What should be done to make it nicer and safer for people to get around the city on foot and by bike? The ongoing delivery and completion of Dublin City Council’s ‘Walk, wheel cycle’ Active Travel Network is absolutely paramount if we are to make it safer for people to get around on foot,…

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  • Public meeting: A Cycling City

    Public meeting: A Cycling City

    Kimmage Rathmines is home to Dublin’s cycling hotspot – the electoral division of Terenure A. The 2022 census revealed this area had the highest share of people who, when asked “How do you usually travel to work, school, college or childcare?” responded “Bicycle” – about 20 percent, as this Dublin Inquirer article outlines.  The census shows that…

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