Green Party Councillor for Kimmage Rathmines
My name is Carolyn and I’m the Green Party’s Councillor for the Kimmage Rathmines area. I was co-opted onto Dublin City Council following the general election in 2020, and since then I’ve been striving to keep green issues and values at the forefront of our work on the council.
For me that means fighting for sustainable development, quality green spaces, and safe, people-friendly streets. I believe in communities where you can grow up and grow old, get around easily, and have the confidence to let your child walk to school. This is what I’m working to deliver for you.
How did a former fashion designer and editor become a local politician? Find out who I am and why I got into politics.
Does the fight to save the planet start in our own back gardens? I think so. Find out how I think Dublin could be better.
Have a question, a local issue you want to highlight, or simply want to say hello? Here’s how to get in touch with me.
Green Party Councillor for Kimmage Rathmines
Ireland has a waste problem. The extent of it was laid bare when the government launched its Waste Action Plan – packed with statistics about the million tonnes of food waste, the 200 million disposable coffee cups, and the 63,000 tonnes of textiles we dump every single year.